Material bank

Material bank

ECDE 2024

ECDE 2024 Plenary sessions

ECDE 2024 Sessions A1 and A2

ECDE 2024 Sessions B1 and B2

ECDE 2024 Session C

ECDE 2024 Session D

The Norwegian Defence Sector Climate and Environmental Strategy

ECDE 2015 Proceedings

Document can be downloaded here:

ECDE 2015 -Proceedings(pdf) (5.7 MB)

Best Available Techniques (BAT) Management of the Environmental Impact of Shooting Ranges

Document can be downloaded here:

BAT Document (pdf) (10 MB)

ECDE 2013 Proceedings

Document can be downloaded here:

ECDE 2013 -Proceedings(pdf) (5.7 MB)

The Defence Forces and Biodiversity – The impact of military activities on natural values

Document can be downloaded here:

Biodiversity and Defence (pdf) (2.8 MB)